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Nishant Prajapati

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Nishant Prajapati

A final year Computer Science Undergraduate, who is passionate about solving problems using the power of programming.


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Future Ready Talent, Remote
Student Intern | Sept 2021 - Jan 2022

Diversified an Azure based project by learning elementary skills about Microsoft Azure and GitHub.


expected results and results obtained Language Translation using Azure: Angular Application

Language Translation is implemented using Angular Application which in turns uses Azure Text Translation Service which converts a text from one language to another language.

Drowsiness Detection Model Drowsiness Detection Model Using Python: GUI Based

The objective of this Python project is to build a Drowsiness Detection Model that will detect when eyes are closed for a few seconds. This system will generate alert when drowsiness is detected.

West Side West Side: A Static Website for Understanding Basic Web Development

This project is developed to understand the basics of HTML and CSS. This projects deals with various types of CSS elements and an intermediate level of HTML coding.

Student Management Student Management System: Command Line Based Based System

This systems work to coordinate scheduling and communications between faculty regarding students. This system exists to simplify information tracking for both parents and administrative staff.

West Side DriveF1: Car Rental Website

A dynamic website using HTML, CSS, PHP, and MySQL to deliver a user-friendly interface with advanced functionality. It is still under development as the responsive feature is yet to be added. In the coming weeks, hopefully it'll be added in addition to other features to make the site more quick and stable.

Student Management Emotion Recognition System: Python Based

This is a Python implementation of an emotion recognition model trained on the FER-2013 dataset, designed to analyze facial expressions and classify them into different emotion categories such as happy, sad, and angry. The model achieved an accuracy of 65% on a validation set of images.


Drowsiness Detection Model Using Python
IRJET 2022 (International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology)


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Algora Fest 2022 - First Runner Up
RITM, Lucknow | May 2022

• Won trophy and certificate for building a Python project "Drowsiness Detection Model."
• Selected by the professionals of IET Lucknow.